“Poetic” documentation of a European model project along the paths of the pilgrims of St. James in parts of the Saarland, the Palatinate, Lorraine and Alsace. An illustrated book for pilgrimage with the eyes and exciting background information.
Format 245 x 290 mm, hardcover, bound, 568 pages, bilingual (German/French), 25,- € (plus shipping). Second expanded new editionAuthor: Peter Michael LuppISBN: 978-3-947148-00-4
Tourist Information in Saarbrücken CastleSchlossplatz 1-15, 66119 SaarbrückenTel. 0049 681 / 506-60 06E-mail: touristinfo@rvsbr.de
The book is unfortunately out of print. You can put your name on a waiting list. Please send an e-mail with your address to: sebirkelbach@t-online.de
Lectures and readings are available on request. E-mail: pm.lupp@web.de
More information
Sound book: hardcover book with CDISBN: 978-3-923405-45-9Sound sample
Ancient music and thoughts on pilgrimage between space and timeSound sample
ISBN: 978-3-923405-35-0
Hiking map for pilgrims (Hornbach - Saarbrücken/Sarreguemines - Metz)Galli Verlag+Vertrieb GmbH, Scale: 1:50.000ISBN: 978-3-936990-51-5
Hiking guidePublisher EcholotISBN: 978-3-9811672-3-8
Pilgrimage guidePilgrim PublishingISBN: 978-3-946777-15-1
Pilgrimage guidePilgrim PublishingISBN: 978-3-946777-21-2
Liana Lauk, Tel. 0049 7946 / 2545 (Publisher: Regionalgruppe Nordpfalz, Wolfgang und Inge Schwarz, schwarz-w.i@t-online.de)www.jakobusgesellschaft.eu
Further publications can be found on the website of the Jakobusgesellschaft