The chapel “Zu unserer lieben Frau” (“To our dear lady”), located at the mountain cemetery in Annweiler, which was built in 1660 and consecrated in 1429, becomes a reference point in the European model project and was decorated on Sat., April 23, 2022, with a waymark - a stone scallop shell - and the corresponding information board.
The background of the model project described the idea giver and curator Peter Michael Lupp of the regional association Saarbruecken in a picture lecture, on Sa., 23 April 2022, at 15.30 o’clock, in the council hall of the city Annweiler, in the presence of the alderman of the city Annweiler, Benjamin Burckschat, the 1. chairman of the promotion association “Save the chapel”, Iris Grötsch as well as representatives of the municipality and the district. The St. James Society Rhineland-Palatinate-Saarland e.V. was represented by Karl Unold.
Afterwards the ceremonial inauguration of the shell and the information board at the chapel was accompanied by the two church representatives Christina Wendel and Thomas Himjak-Lang. The celebration was musically framed with Spanish sounds.