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Project participation

For (future) project partners: marking of medieval cultural monuments

The medieval cultural monuments listed on the website, which are located along the route or within easy reach (up to approx. 10 km away) of the routes of the Way of St. James pilgrims, can be involved in the project as part of various measures. These include visual marking by means of information boards in various designs and a stone scallop shell as a signpost.

In addition to the designation of the cultural monument, accompanying public relations work should also be developed that deals with the themes of the site and its position in the present. Information, examples and requirements can be found in our criteria catalog.

Educational activities & meditative walks on the Starry Path

For people who would like to learn more about the project, its background, developments and objectives, the Adult Education Center of the Saarbrücken Regional Association regularly offers (picture) lectures, local discussions and readings on the European model project in the Saarbrücken region.

The project manager and author of the poetic documentary “Starry Path/Chemin des étoiles”, Peter Michael Lupp, also offers meditative hikes on selected sections of the Starry Path. The individual offers can be found in the respective semester program of the vhs.

Additional appointments with the project manager are also possible on request.

You can find further information on regional features, tourist destinations and local contactsvia our list of links.